Four Fundamental Object-Oriented Programming Concepts in JavaEncapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Those are four primary Java OOP concepts. Understanding them can help us…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
LeetCode 42 Trapping Rain Water— brute force, dynamic programming, two pointersOct 18, 2020Oct 18, 2020
Implement Queues and Stacks in JavascriptJava collection framework provides stack and queue classes. However, in Javascript we do not have stacks and queues provided for us. In…Oct 3, 2020Oct 3, 2020
LeetCode 5 Expand Around Center Solution in JavascriptThere are a lot of videos talking about this Longest Palindrome Substring question, but there are still some details that took me awhile…Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
null vs undefinedBefore we get into null and undefined, we should learn two concepts: javascript primitive values and falsy values. They will help us…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
Javascript var, let and constPeople always got confused about how to use var, let and const when declare a variable, especially for Javascript beginners. Today we are…Sep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020